Patricia is 4.5 years old already. See below her developmental age on different areas based on the assessment.
Fine-motor area (visual-perceptual-motor, practical and paper pencil tasks): 2.6
Gross-motor area: 4.3
Perceptuo-cognitive area: 2.1
Language Communication area: 1.5
Self-help, Psychomotor, Socialization and Communication: 2.6
I know that there are still lots of delays, still a lot of work to do, but we're happy. We started without knowing what to do or which area to focus on. Now, we have a clear and definite program to follow. I was glad that "my TEAM" was there too. I have a great team. During the conference, they were proactively asking questions, clarifications, and suggestions. I saw in them the genuine concern, care and love for Patricia and their determination to help her maximize her potential. I feel so happy and thankful.
Based on the results, we need to focus on her language and fine motor skills. But of course, bahavior management plays a very important role too. We need to focus on this since she needs to improve her attention span and seating time so she can learn more. Since my Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and Shadow teacher are all there, we discussed what to do. Finding a good ABA Therapist is also on my list.
2 days after the conference, I also had an IEP (Individualized Education Program) conference with Pat's School's Head of SPED, Main Classroom Teacher and her Shadow teacher. The timing is just perfect. We discussed the assessment and how we can implement it in the classroom. We had a detailed discussion about it. Now, we have guidelines to follow in school, in her therapies and at home. We have to be consistent and firm. I also plan to meet with "My Team" more often now.
I'm happy with how the things are going. Still a long way to go but at least now, we know what road to follow. No more uncertainties, hesitations and doubts. We're all excited and fired up to do anything and everything for our angel's development. There's no way now, but up. Up you go, our little princess. =)